About Me

My name is Brandi and I am a country girl living in Appalachian Ohio with a to-do list so long I will never be done. My job is in marketing but in my free time I love to hike, take pictures, read, go antiquing and do projects around the house. I love going on adventures and visiting places I’ve never been.

Sitting still isn’t really my thing and I spent a few years improving my health, myself and my life as a whole. The last two years have been a struggle thanks to a newly diagnosed health issue but I’m still trying to do my best every day. There are never enough hours in the day or enough money to do everything I like but life is pretty darn good.

Thanks for visiting my page. I hope you stick around and follow me as I journey through this crazy thing called life.

11 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Brandi, it was wonderful meeting you today at the Ohio Reformatory. My sister-in-law and I thank you for taking the silly pucturesnof us in the cell. I love your sense of adventure. I can’t wait to follow your blog. You have such a wonderful outlook on life. Keep on traveling. Thanks again
    Gilda Kohler

    • It was lovely to meet you both today! I loved listening to you ladies joke and chatter and am always thrilled to meet fellow adventurers. I love Mansfield – especially the carousel – and look forward to visiting again someday. Malabar Farm is on my bucket list! Thanks so much for reading! I’ll write about my Mansfield adventures very soon! ❤️

  2. I am anxious to read about your trip. I am excited to check your blog out and get some ideas for some fun trips. Happy traveling

  3. Just read with great interest your post about the Burlington 37 and the associated church. Being an avid metal detectorist goes hand-in-hand with the love of history I inherited from my late father, who was raised a little downriver from Lawrence County, and I always enjoy learning of past events I’d never known. Thank you for such a wonderful story.

    • Thank you for reading and for sharing, Tim! I wish that story was more commonly told because I think it is remarkable. They deserve to be remembered and we all certainly could learn a lot from them. Thanks for stopping by!

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