Here We Go Again

This space has been quiet for a few days as I’ve been wrestling with a decision about Make the Journey Fun and whether or not to continue publishing here.

I started this blog a little over two years ago. At the time, it was part travel guide for friends and part therapy for me. Along the way, it has introduced me to new friends, has given me a daily responsibility to publish something, and has evolved into broader topics and a larger collection of pictures and ideas that basically cover all the random things about the world that I enjoy.

It will never be a business and I’m good with that. In fact, everything I do here flies in the face of all the blogging experts who say that you should only publish what helps the reader or that posts should have headlines like “Five things to do before a road trip.”

I do none of this, instead opting to write the kind of stories that I enjoy reading. And oddly enough, I’ve found a loyal following of people who seem to enjoy the purely random things that I pull out of my hat each day.

I won’t claim that what I do here is work. It’s more or less a quick, down and dirty exercise in storytelling that forces me to respect a deadline and to not obsess over the finer points of what I’m doing. It’s fun.

Sadly, the world seems like an extraordinarily dark place right now as people prefer strife and controversy to happy stories and pretty pictures. They opt for a thirty second video over a two minute read or, worse yet, to just read a headline or comments before forming an opinion and moving on. It’s starting to feel like no one wants to read, think or even be happy.

I don’t know about you, dear reader, but all of the bickering and the destruction of social constructs that I hold dear are enough to make me want to slit my wrists with a rusty razor blade. The ugliness is exhausting and it isn’t going away.

It makes me wonder if there’s still a call for those pretty pictures and random stories that I enjoy sharing. Maybe not. Maybe I just write for me and hope that the positive influence helps at least one person.

Maybe it’s time to close up shop, delete the blog and spend more time alone and offline.

The answer isn’t clear to me just yet.

However, an email from a friend who liked a picture and a message from Christine thanking me for a book recommendation bolstered my spirits, at least a little. Perhaps there is still a desire for something light in this sea of negativity that consumes us. The best I can do at this point is to be me and hope it’s good enough.

So here we go again.

Have a good weekend, friends. It’s a long weekend for some of us. Turn off social media, breathe some fresh air, move your body, embrace the light and do something fun.

32 thoughts on “Here We Go Again

  1. In this time when the United States is quite sick and who knows when and how well we will recover, it’s more valuable than ever to find people on the Internet to talk with about the things that interest us. It’s a way to keep sane.

    • That’s probably the logical thing to do. I’m just tired of feeling like I’m shouting into the wind. I almost exclusively share stuff on Facebook that is educational or in some way fun and people are even finding ways to twist that stuff into negatives. Seems like my wordpress subscription is up late this year. I’ll reassess before renewing.

      With that said, Jim, thank you for your support and for your blog. I always look forward to it.

  2. You can’t quit!!! I love your daily doses of what the daily reality is thru your eyes. We get lots of negativity thru other outlets, and believe you me I am so ready to breath in your words as a fresh outlook on life. I can’t believe I am the only one who feels this way, even though this is my first comment on your blog.

  3. I’m struggling with my blog. I started a poetry blog but it’s silent… I’ve been binge reading blogs and probably commenting to the point I run more people off than anything 🤦‍♂️ I’m seriously thinking it’s time to go..

  4. I know it’s hard to keep going right now. There is indeed so much going on that it’s easy to wonder if what we bloggers write here even makes a difference. But if this helps – I always enjoy your posts, especially the ones about your kitty Scout 🙂 🙂 They make me smile, and in these times, a smile goes a long way. Be well, take some time to enjoy your weekend and breathe ❤

  5. Hi Brandi,
    I, for one, have certainly missed reading your blog the past several days! I enjoy your photography, nature pics, out of the way places that you travel, piles of old suitcases, and of course Scout. Your writing is great too. I always feel as though I’m on “The Road” with you, whether it’s life, or an actual hike….and trust me, both can be difficult at times. I hope that you continue to express yourself through your photograghy and written words, even if you give up the blog. Your blog has made me smile. It’s made me more aware of the beautiful things in this world. It’s brought tears to my eyes. Your blog has given me hope. Thank you so much for sharing. Hope it continues.
    Sincerely, Chris

    • Chris, I keep going because of people like you. It makes me happy to know that my ramblings and randomness mean something to you. Several people have reminded me today that not everyone appreciates the negativity in this world and that many are starved for something wholesome and real. I’ll try to continue sharing those stories for as long as I can. Thank you for your support and kindness. ❤️

  6. I hope you don’t stop blogging. We need what little goodness there is still left in this troubled world. An escape, if you will. Something to remind us we can still enjoy life and the simple things. Your blog is a breath of fresh air. It’s easy to feel down and discouraged, but if we up give up and close up shop, what’s left?

    • Thanks so much for your nice words and for being a frequent reader here. I’m going to ride it out until my subscription is up and see what I think then. I try hard to be positive and to give folks something good to think about but it’s hard to stay positive in this world. I’ll keep trying!

  7. I became a follower of this blog because I live in Ohio, and was looking for day trip ideas. You provide so many good ones! Here’s a thought: post once a week instead of mostly daily. That’s the rhythm I finally established for my blog, Poise and Presence. Or you could leave the site up, and give yourself a hiatus. I did that too, when I was finishing up a food memoir. Didn’t know if I would return to my blog, but I did, after about 6 months or so. No matter what you decide, thanks so much for your lovely blog—

    • I’m glad you enjoy it. Where are you from in Ohio?

      This will sound idiotic but I tried the weekly schedule for a while and wasn’t disciplined enough to do that. It’s either part of my daily routine or I completely forget about it. Lol. Nuts, right? Besides, it’s more of a fun writing exercise for me. I guess it’s not the effort that I put into the blog that I question – it’s whether there’s any point in trying share positivity these days.

    • I’m glad you were able to do that! I’ve heard others say that leaving Facebook was a good decision. I personally enjoy Instagram. Facebook is where most of my reader interactions happen and I’m the social media manager for my company where Facebook is a big part of our plan. But I’m not spending any free time there now.

  8. Brandi, yes there is still a call for those pretty pictures and random stories that you enjoy sharing. Blogs that share photos of beautiful scenery and places of interest appeal to me because it is a way to virtually travel somewhere else. Your blog is down-to-earth and easy to enjoy and I hope you don’t give it up. 😊

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